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Shurflo by Pentair

Shurflo by Pentair

At Shurflo by Pentair, they believe the health of our world depends on reliable access to clean water. Pentair delivers a comprehensive range of smart, sustainable water solutions to homes, businesses and industries around the world. The industry leading and proven portfolio of solutions enables people, business and industry to access clean, safe water, reduce water consumption, and recover and reuse it. Pentair helps to ensure that water is clean when returned to the environment.

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Placing orders has never been easier. At CWR, you can upload a file with multiple orders, or place the file in our FTP server. We also offer a complete list of online tools for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Extensible Markup Language (XML). Seamless, integrated, simple.

Same-Day Drop Shipping

Starting with one of our most popular shipping specials -- almost any size order for a flat fee of just $9.95 -- CWR offers a wide array of providers and service levels, helping you meet delivery requirements and minimize costs.

Shurflo by Pentair Product Categories

Become a CWR dealer and get:

  • Wholesale pricing from over 300 brands
  • No minimum order
  • Flat rate shipping as low as $9.95
  • Free FTP and website integration